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Reported Impacts

The reported drought impacts stem from the Alpine Drought Impact report Inventory (EDIIALPS V1.0) developed during the project period. To create EDIIALPS, information was gathered and transcribed from national databases and reports. Compiled knowledge on the impacts of historic and recent drought events from a variety of available information sources is presented as this has never been done across the European Alpine region. The Alpine Space covers the Alps and their foothills, as well as different climatic zones and therefore allows the consideration of water and natural resource flow and exchange typical of mountain regions. With the region's extent, we therefore include drought impacts not only at high altitudes, but also in downstream areas of the water-rich source regions (e.g. the river basins Po, Rhine, Danube etc.). Besides the most prominent impact category 'agriculture and livestock farming', many impact reports also relate to 'public water supply', 'forestry', 'aquatic ecosystems'.

For further information on the database please read: Stephan, R., Erfurt, M., Terzi, S., Žun, M., Kristan, B., Haslinger, K., and Stahl, K.: An inventory of Alpine drought impact reports to explore past droughts in a mountain region, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 21, 2485–2501, available at, 2021. To access EDIIALPS as a plain dataset follow this link